Our Story

Established in 2012 by Jabberwocky, High Tide Derby has always been a place for skaters to come together for community and empowerment through playing the sport of roller derby.

March 2019, Beat’er Pan took over as owner and head coach for High Tide Derby and has made it a space for acceptance, love, and a truly supportive and empowering community in Orange County.

We have found that there is a hunger for this sport from those who have never skated before but are eager to learn. A recreational, no pressure, league is exactly what they never thought they needed.

Our Mission

High Tide Derby is an inclusive recreational roller derby league operating out of Garden Grove, CA. Revamped in early 2019 with new owner Beat’er Pan at the helm, High Tide welcomes skaters of all levels of commitment and skill. We believe that roller derby is about community, fun, and fitness, and we work to build an environment of empowerment as we encourage skaters to grow at their own pace. No pressure, no exclusion. 

High Tide is currently an all-recreational non-competitive league in Orange County, and though we may continue to grow, we will never lose our focus and passion for creating opening and welcoming spaces for all skaters. 

So whether you’re returning to the sport after some time off, or strapping on a pair of quads for the very first time, High Tide Derby has a place for you. We hope you’ll join us!

Our Pledge

As a representative of our league, we ask that you hold to a high standard of conduct on and off the track, and that you pledge to:


Derby is tough, and to grow in this sport, we often have to show vulnerability as we learn. Remember always where you started, and think about what you can do to build a skater up as they develop their skills!


High Tide is a league welcoming of skaters of all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds. Be conscious of the inclusivity of your language and your attitude, making room to learn from those who are different from you. In derby, we have the opportunity to make a family with skaters whose experiences are sometimes wildly different from our own — embrace it!


As our league grows, we will see the number of new faces at practice grow as well! Always work to invite skaters in, wherever and whenever you can. We want to work together to build a community and a family with High Tide, and that starts on a skater’s very first day!


You will trip and you will bump. You will fail and you will fall. You will feel that you are going too fast or too slow. No matter what, when you’re on the track and you’re doing your best, you are never in anyone’s way. You aren’t a burden; you aren’t holding anyone back. So if you knock into a skater and take the both of you down, help them up, dust yourselves off, and keep skating! No apologies needed.


When you skate with us, work always to try anything once. Derby is the perfect opportunity to break outside of your comfort zone and test your limits athletically and mentally. During practice, participate and be willing to take coaching and feedback, and give it to other skaters when you can!


We are a member-run league, and your voice is critical to our health and survival. Though we won’t always agree, we ask that skaters always treat each other with consideration and respect, keeping personal drama and conflict off the track and out of the inclusive and loving space we are working to build.

If you feel confident that you can hold to our mission as a league, acting always as a force for empowerment, community, and inclusivity, we can’t wait to welcome you as a member of High Tide Derby!